Sunday, December 23, 2012

Sweet Bridezilla's diary: For the Moms & Dad

That was few days before the wedding... talking about the corsages for mom, dad & my mother-in-law. I have no clue at all, what I want and how I want them to look like... the big day is just around the corner.

I have no sketches or anything for the things I made.... I used to draw it out last time (long time ago when I first started making hand-stitched t-shirts), but not for this wedding project, it's all in the brain, and I'll play with the materials that I have, mix and match, in this case, I try to stick to the theme - denim and white.

The idea & process of making my dad's corsage flow quite smoothly. The moms' corsage on the other hand was quite time consuming, and went thru a bit of trial and error.

 Sewing these pearls on the ribbon was really a major task! Satin ribbons are very soft and it's quite hard to grip. 
 But I'm glad that it's very pretty when moms have it on the wrist, it looks like a pearl bracelet with a ribbon bow :)

 The detailing... beadssss!!

 Dad loves wines. That is why I have chosen to use wine cork to make his corsage.

There... do you like it? :)

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