Sunday, December 23, 2012

Sweet Bridezilla's diary: For the Moms & Dad

That was few days before the wedding... talking about the corsages for mom, dad & my mother-in-law. I have no clue at all, what I want and how I want them to look like... the big day is just around the corner.

I have no sketches or anything for the things I made.... I used to draw it out last time (long time ago when I first started making hand-stitched t-shirts), but not for this wedding project, it's all in the brain, and I'll play with the materials that I have, mix and match, in this case, I try to stick to the theme - denim and white.

The idea & process of making my dad's corsage flow quite smoothly. The moms' corsage on the other hand was quite time consuming, and went thru a bit of trial and error.

 Sewing these pearls on the ribbon was really a major task! Satin ribbons are very soft and it's quite hard to grip. 
 But I'm glad that it's very pretty when moms have it on the wrist, it looks like a pearl bracelet with a ribbon bow :)

 The detailing... beadssss!!

 Dad loves wines. That is why I have chosen to use wine cork to make his corsage.

There... do you like it? :)

Saturday, December 22, 2012

Sweet Bridezilla's diary: Corsage for the guys

Many might have thought that I forgot the guys (when Frank saw me making something for the guys, he said: oh, guys have one too?), or just omit them cause they don't have to look pretty?
No, No, No! Cassie have something for you lovely gentlemen too... :)

The "mass" production at stages:

18 November 2012: 3 wise men with my corsage! Hehe...

Sweet Bridezilla's diary: Corsage for the Officiant

I can't believe that it's all over.... I am officially married!! :) And now I have the time to sort out pictures and continue posting on things that I've made for my own wedding. Yes, I want to share with everybody, and I'm proud of it! Haha...

So, this is the corsage I made for the Officiant of my wedding ceremony - Auntie Bunny.
She's my mom's youngest sister, and she is the very important person of that evening, hence, I decided to make her corsage a little more out standing compare to the rest.

 This was the first version of the unfinished corsage. It was supposed to have strips of netting flowing out, something like an octopus. But it didn't turn out right because the netting strips are not stiff enough to form a shape itself. In the end, I trashed the idea... come back to something more similar to what I've made earlier for the girls, but change the base to a darker denim, and gather the netting in a round piece instead of strips.

 I've added some beads on the netting which make the corsage looks so much prettier!


Frank & I would like to extend our heartfelt thank you once again to Auntie Bunny, who's been very supportive in many ways in our live. We love you! <3>