Sunday, January 13, 2008

Flower Madness!!

It's been quite sometime that I stopped designing brooches. Here are another 2 series of flower brooches! Hope you all like it!

Code: BCT102 & BCT103
Colours: Coming up more colours!


Anonymous said...

very nice colour matching

Anonymous said...

come to visit ur blog here,nice handmade tee and brooches u hav,u hav msn?

cass said...

Hi dirtymarycrazymonkey, wow, such a long nickname, hahaha....
thanks for your compliment. Yes, I do have msn, I can add u in my list. Could you please give me ur msn email?

cass said...

Hi dear, thanks. You've missed out a "s" in the Frankenstein ler... hehehe...
Nice colour matching is becoz... I have a nice guy like you who supports me no matter what.
I appreciate it :)

Anonymous said...

hi there,my msn is!
dun forget add me!